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Do you teach music, singing, piano, guitar, drum lessons?We don't. However, we highly recommend : Pat Russo Music 424 N. Colony St. Wallingford, CT 06492 203-741-9500 or visit Amity and Pat are long-time friends and affiliates. Pat used to engineer at our studio, and he and Amity and their talented bands and students have recorded with us over the years. They are talented, professional and truly care about the success of every one of their students and bands. They run a top-notch school here in town, but don't let that stop you as they also do virtual lessons so location isn't an issue!
Do you have any gear for sale?Not at the moment. However, our equipment may be up for sale in the future. Keep watching our site, join the email list or our Facebook page.
I'm a producer, musician, etc. Can we work together or can we be hired for your clients?"We have a our own regular musicians and producers we use for these situations and it's highly unusual for us to go outside that. The only time we'd go outside is if none of our regulars are available and we then go to our past clients who have done large projects here, or, if it's a solicited affiliate.
Can you help me update/set up my PRO writer, publishing account?We are currently not providing consultation services due to a restriction on time and a large internal project. Signing up for, or updating your PRO information is easy enough. Just go to their respective websites and get help there and they will walk you through. If you are a current or past affiliated writer or artist of ours from years past, please see the FAQ regarding same in the "Affiliated Artists and Writers" category.
Can you help me set up my publishing company?We are currently not providing consultation services at this time due to a time constraint and large internal project.
I want to shoot a video or a photoshoot. Can I use the studio for this?We are not currently offering this as a service. Keep in mind you would no longer have a studio setting as a backdrop for any video and/or photo sessions. Any props would need to be brought in. You may be able to work something out by calling Silver City Properties in Meriden, CT. Otherwise, please reach out to Mike at The Coffeehouse Recording Studio in Middletown, CT, or any of the other great studios we recommend in our studio section, to see if they can accommodate you.
Can I get information on one of your releases?Our partial releases on both our labels and 3rd party labels over the years can be found here. For more information or to purchase past releases, simply search online through regular channels. We do not stock or provide general information on past product.
I am an artist looking for management and/or production. Can you help me?We're not taking on any new artists or production projects at this time.
Can you help me protect/copyright my original songs?We are currently turning away paid consultations due to a restriction on time and a large internal project. There are many resources online to help you with this.
I'm a songwriter. Can I submit my songs to you to add to your publishing catalog?We're not accepting any unsolicited song submissions or material for inclusion in our catalog. Anything without prior approval will not be listened to. Use the contact form at our website to be added to our mailing list as we will announce when we open for submissions.
What are your office hours?We have no set office hours at both the Connecticut or Nashville sites. All business is conducted on a prior appointment basis only.
I did a project at your studio years ago, do you still have the files and/or master?"The short answer is, "no." We don't hold onto clients' projects or files indefinitely. With thousands of clients over the years we'd become a storage facility to house such projects/tapes. We also purge digital space on our drives to reuse for other clients, so we don't keep that either. It's the client's responsibility to leave with their finished master and safeguard it. Clients have/had the option to take a backup of their session files for digital sessions, or do a tape buyout for analog sessions back in the day, and if not, it was purged. If done so, that also is the responsibility of the client to safeguard those items. If you have not been consistently paying us an annual storage fee, through the current date, along with a prior written arrangement signed by TN management and an active, current credit card to charge (no cash transactions made for this) to do so, we no longer have any of your data. That said, feel free to send an email to Info At TrodNossel Dot Com with all of the relevant information: project year, name of the client, band name, song titles, and any other pertinence and we can do a quick sweep. The more info the better. It is extremely unlikely we have it, but we'll give a courtesy sweep. Also keep in mind that we cannot release any material, in the event that it is found, to anyone but the copyright holder, who is usually the listed individual on account (usually the person who paid for the sessions or services).
I took a class years ago but lost my certificate. Can I get a replacement?Unfortunately, we cannot provide reprints of old certificates. Every client that completed the course study was issued an original certificate at the completion of the program. In the rare event we can validate the completion of your attendance, we are willing to replace it for $100 plus any applicable sales tax and/or fees.
Do you want to buy my vintage gear?We're not buying any gear at this time.
Do you have any training or shadowing opportunities?Unfortunately, there are no opportunities available at this time, paid or unpaid. We haven't done anything like this in many years, but a lot of other studios adopted our old training and accredited intern programs in the area. We suggest doing a quick web search on other studios and reaching out to them. However, if you are a prior intern or staff member, reach out to us directly.
Do you have audio engineering classes?We don't. However, try Taylor at Sinister Studios. He may have some mixing and mastering training available.
Do you offer an option to pay extra to store our data?We do not. This was never a service we've ever officially offered to clients. All files leave with the client on their personal backup drives. If they opt not to take their files on a backup and leave only with the finished master, we purge the files to make space for other clients and the files no longer exist. Back in the days of tape, we did offer an annual storage fee to keep a tape on site but that hasn't been done since well before the 80s for very old tape. We have not had this circumstance for decades and all media such as this no longer exists at our site.
We have a charitable event/project. Can you contribute or work with us?We have specific charities and charitable events and donations we work with. For any others, unfortunately, we're not taking on any new charitable events or projects at this time.
Do you have band or rehearsal rooms?We do not offer rehearsal space at our facility. However, for all rehearsal space and/or rental inquiries, please contact: Silver City Associates 203.237.5397
Do you do CD duplication / replication?We do not.
Can I buy your song catalog?Unfortunately, our catalog is not for sale at this time.
Can I buy Trod Nossel or Trod Nossel Artists' memorabilia?We have nothing for sale at this time. If this should change, we would announce it on social media. Feel free to follow us on the various platforms.
I was a Trod Nossel Artist back in the day. Can I get copies (digital or otherwise) of the masters I played on?Unfortunately, all masters of artists under our management became the property in whole and in perpetuity of the record label they were assigned to at the time (TNA Records, Poison Ring Records, etc.). Therefore, no copies of our recordings are available or provided to past artists and musicians, or any other unauthorized party.
I am a past or current Trod Nossel-affiliated writer or artist. How do I update my contact information? Can I call you with it or stop by?If you are an affiliated artist or writer dating back to the 60s to the present, it is your responsibility to make sure we have your current contact information in order to receive any payments you are due. If you haven't provided us with current contact and payment, it is highly recommended that you do so. We will not make payouts without updated info on file. We will not update your contact information verbally, nor in person. It must be in writing. You may use either method below to update your information with us. ONLINE ________ Email us at: Info At TrodNossel dot Com US MAIL ________ Send a letter via US Postal Service to: Trod Nossel PO Box 57 Wallingford, CT 06492 Include the following information: Name (Legal Name) Stage Name or PKA (or band name you were in) Address, City, State, ZIP Home Phone Cell Phone Contact Email Address Social Security Number (we cannot pay out royalties without this. We also use this to verify your identity matches what we have on record) Include your Statement delivery selection: Digital (Email) or Paper (US Mail). Note: If email is selected, your general email provided above will be used. If you prefer to receive royalties via PayPal, please include an accurate PayPal email address. Any relevant information regarding your affiliation may also be included, such as your band, any anecdotes, or your instrument or role at the time. Any related expenses incurred to locate you or obtain updated contact info, such as postage costs, will be deducted against future payouts. Be prepared to fill out a W9 as a follow up to our receiving your updated info. NO PAYMENTS WILL BE MADE UNTIL WE HAVE AN UPDATED W9 ON FILE
Can you help me update/set up my PRO writer account?With over 150 writers in our catalog, this just isn't possible. We've even currently stopped providing any paid consultation services per usual to help with this for outside clients. Signing up for, or updating your PRO information is easy enough. Just go to their respective websites and get help there. We do highly recommend making sure your writer accounts are up-to-date or intact, and active, especially with the evolution of the Trod brand. You cannot get paid from your PRO for back end royalties without an active writer account. It is the writer's responsibility to ensure this is intact.
What if a past writer is deceased? What information do you need to update your records?If you are the family member of a deceased writer or artist affiliated with us, please provide by US Mail: Name of Writer or Artist (Legal Name) Stage Name of Writer or Artist (PKA) Copy of original, notarized death certificate and probate appointment letter of executor, and heir(s) in which disbursements are to be sent. Be sure and include their respective contact information (for each heir) - Name, Address, City, State, Zip - Phone - Email - SS# (needed if payments on behalf of deceased are to be made) Send to: Trod Nossel PO Box 57 Wallingford, CT 06492 Keep in mind, without the above on file, any payouts will continue to be made in the writer/artist's name at the last address we have on file. It is the responsibility of the writer/artist/heir to provide updated contact information so that we can make timely payments. Any related expenses incurred to locate you or obtain updated contact info, such as postage costs, will be deducted against future payouts.
How much time do I have to cash my royalty check before it expires?When you receive checks, we recommend cashing or deposit them as soon as possible. We reserve the right to stop payment and reissue any check we deem lost or stolen on a case by case basis. Any payments that need to be reissued are subject to expenses and will be charged back to the Payee in a future payout. This includes mailing costs such as postage, certified mail, etc., and any bank fees associated with reissuance of a payment, such as chargebacks or stop payment fees.
I've received a royalty check. What is it for?If you are due royalties, you will receive an itemized statement included with your check which describes the payout.
I have an old demo of a song of mine that you publish. Can I use it?Yes, as long as you get a proper license through us. Even though you may have written and performed the song, we still own and control the rights. Technically you cannot use the song, even if it's transferred from an old demo you may be in possession of, for any reason without our permission.
My song/music published by you was used/placed/licensed. Why haven't I been paid?If you find your song to have been used, we most likely put it there, and we simply have not received payment on our end yet. Once we do receive it, your disbursement will be included in the next payout period. Depending on what the source is, payments are sometimes very slow to get to us. Another reason for delay in payments may mean we can't find you, or, you have not provided us with an updated W9 form. The best way to ensure you receive everything due to you is by making sure you have provided us with updated contact info and/or an updated W9 form. Request the w9 by emailing us at info at trodnossel dot com, and once completed, mail via USPS to Trod Nossel, PO Box 57, Wallingford, CT 06492. You can email it as well but we don't recommend that since you need to fill in your social security number on the form. Note that no payments will be disbursed without an updated w9 form on file, so if we request one from you, that means you have funds due and they will not be released without it. There is no resource or person outside this organization that has accurate information on this, so any questions should come directly to us. That said, if you do find work being used and haven't been paid, we don't mind being informed so we can verify that it's a legitimate instance. There are some actual breaches out there and with thousands of songs and masters, we can't have eyes everywhere, so we do appreciate the diligence of the writers in helping us uncover breaches.
What happens to my payout if you don't have my current contact info?We are obligated to send any disbursements to the last known address we have on file that was provided in writing. If we send checks out and they come back undeliverable, the funds will be held in escrow until a payee provides updated information. Any expenses associated with our unsuccessful attempts to find writers that are due payouts, such as certified letters, postage, stop payment fees, etc. are subject to collection against any royalties due in the next payout period. Although we make extensive good faith efforts trying to locate artists, in some cases, we haven't had contact with since the 60s or 70s, it is still the responsibility of the artist to update us. This is why it is important that everyone provides updated contact information. It's your money and we can't send it to you unless we know where you are! Once we have exhausted our efforts and significant time has passed, we may be obligated to relinquish your earnings to the state as unclaimed funds. If that becomes the case, it is up to you to communicate with them and go through the motions they indicate to request and collect your funds. At that point it is totally out of our hands.
I have a recording project. How do I book?We are currently not taking new outside recording sessions. The studios in Connecticut we can confidently recommend are the following (depending on your area): ---------------------------------------------------- The Coffeehouse Recording Studio Vintage and comfortable vibe. All formats. Great ownership. ---------------------------------------------------- Carriage House Studios The Cream Of The Crop. Great ownership. ---------------------------------------------------- Sinister Studios Great, cozy vibe. Easily accessible. Reasonably priced and accommodating. Great ownership! ---------------------------------------------------- Power Station at Sonalysts Studios Large format commercial studio. Nice folks. ----------------------------------------------------
I need mixing and or mastering. How do I book?We are currently not taking outside mixing or mastering sessions, however, Justin Watson, our long-time engineer is taking mixing and mastering projects independently at his discretion. Please send an email with contact info and project details to: jwatson @ trodnossel . com Or reach out to us through our contact form and we will pass on your information.
Can I come check out the facility for a tour?We're not currently offering tours.
Can I get a refund?No projects are eligible for a refund. We stopped providing recording services to outside clients around early 2019. Prior to that time, clients left their sessions/project with their tracks and/or master, but before doing so, all projects were approved by the client at the conclusion of the session before payment was made. If there were any issues at all with the session or product received, clients were required to voice a concern at that time. Clients were required to approve the finished product as satisfactory prior to leaving the facility with their project, therefore, all projects are considered final sales and no refunds will be provided.
Can I come to visit or stop in?Unfortunately, we have transitioned into an in-house only operation. We only see visitors by prior appointment as they relate to our current business model. However, once our calendar opens up we would love to see you at a future date! Join the mailing list using our contact form to stay informed.
How can I license a song or master from your catalog.Please contact us at info at TrodNossel dot com or 203-269-4465 and we will provide you with licensing details.
Can you publish and license my original songs?The short answer is, "not yet!" We are not taking any new submissions in at this time. MP3s, streaming links, CDs sent to the address will not be listened to. If and when the catalog opens up for submissions, we will post it here with details on how to submit. Unsolicited materials will not be accepted or reviewed. Keep in mind past Trod Nossel studio clients on good terms will get first preference over non-Trod Nossel clients. Thank you for understanding.
Are you hiring? Can I come in and help out?Unfortunately, there are no opportunities available at this time, paid or unpaid. We haven't done anything like this in many years, but a lot of other studios adopted our old training and accredited intern programs in the area. We suggest doing a quick web search on other studios and reaching out to them. However, if you are a past intern or staff member, please reach out to us directly.
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